Apex Legends Season 15 Eclipse: Catalyst Abilities and new Broken Moon Map Explained
Apex Legends season 15 or eclipse is Bringing in a new Legend and a new map With its next update Catalyst the new Legend brings in a new way to challenge Scannability Legends and broken moon is A fresh new…
Apex Legends Season 15: Catalyst Lore Explained
Apex Legends next season Eclipse revealed their new legend Catalyst. We got the lore trailer revealing Catalyst’s backstory and motivations for joining the Apex games. Just in case you missed it, here’s everything you need to know about Catalyst’s background.…
League of Legends Worlds Match Showcased a Possible Game-Changing Bug – IGN Compete Fix
It’s a new Monday, and that means a new Compete Fix. Today we’ve got a ton of League of Legends World Championship stories, starting with an interesting one where a bug may have decided the outcome of a match, what…