Resident Evil 4 Remake: 13 Awesome Things We Noticed While Playing
Foreign Yes okay so uh just last week we got Very lucky our horror game fans uh there Was a presentation from Konami about Just a ton of new Silent Hill stuff uh And then more importantly for me there…
No Man’s Sky Nintendo Switch vs PS4 Performance Review
No Man’s Sky Waypoint 4.0 has now released on Nintendo’s Switch, porting the universe into your hands. The sheer scale of the game is a tight fit for the Switch’s hardware specs as it offers multi-player, procedural world generation, and…
Resident Evil 4 Remake Hands-On Preview
It’s hard to imagine how much an all-time classic like Resident Evil 4 can be improved beyond a fresh coat of paint. But from what I’ve played so far, Capcom seems less interested in creating an RE2 remake-style gigantic leap.…