How Nvidia and Valve Gave Portal its Ray Tracing Makeover
Nvidia’s Alex Dunn dives into the tech behind Portal with RTX, the upcoming ray tracing makeover for Valve’s classic first-person puzzler Portal.Welcome to the Aperture Science computer Aid admission Center You know everyone on the team loves Portal it's a…
The Entropy Centre Review
The Entropy Centre reviewed on PC by Leana Hafer. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. The Entropy Centre is a more than competent riff on a Portal-style first-person physics puzzler, chock full of brain teasers that manage to have satisfying…
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened – Official First Gameplay Trailer
Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Soul and let me [Applause] The hell were you doing he almost killed You I don't You're right Let's go Watson
LEGO Bricktales Review
LEGO Bricktales reviewed by Sarah LeBoeuf on PC, also available on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. It’s a shame that LEGO Bricktales can often get in its own way, because it’s a fun adventure that breathes new life into what…
The Entropy Centre: 13 Minutes of Demo Gameplay
The Entropy Centre’s demo is live now on Steam, but if you don’t have the ability to check it out for yourself, you can watch our entire playthrough here. The Entropy Centre is a love letter to Valve’s highly-popular Portal…