The Entropy Centre Review

The Entropy Centre reviewed on PC by Leana Hafer. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation.

The Entropy Centre is a more than competent riff on a Portal-style first-person physics puzzler, chock full of brain teasers that manage to have satisfying solutions that made me feel like a big brain time wizard, although it never realizes the full, imaginative potential of its mind-bending tools. The design of the chambers, and the writing for that matter, never reach the heights that the Valve classics which very obviously inspired it did. But an endearing voice cast and a thought-provoking story about racing time itself make the journey well worth it.

#IGN #Gaming

There's nothing quite like the feeling You get in a puzzle game when you look At the big picture and the solution to The whole stage just comes to you all at Once and the clever challenges in the Entropy Center provided me with a Regular supply of those Eureka moments It's time-bending first person brain Teasers weren't usually as challenging As I might have liked but finding the Solutions was always satisfying Regardless And it all comes wrapped in a fairly Compelling Bittersweet story too Foreign Let's get one thing out of the way Immediately yes this game is a lot like Valve's portal series you wake up in a Suspiciously abandoned corporate complex And find a Weird Science gun for solving Physics puzzles that involve placing Cubes on switches and all the while a Plucky AI companion Chatters away to add Some levity to the situation the entropy Center may or may not be experiencing Some minor technical difficulties but do Not let that alarm you our puzzle Operations can continue as normal the Entropy Center wears that inspiration Proudly and if anything it comes across As a very intentional tribute and I for One am totally on board with more Games Inspired by their genre's greatest hits There's got to be someone around

And preferably someone human Robots what was that oh nothing the main Point of Divergence is that while Portal's puzzles mainly dealt with space The entropy centers are about time Your trusty entropy device can be used To rewind items projectiles and even Certain World objects which really made Me think outside the box well for the First half of the 10 hour Journey at Least A significant portion of the dozens of Chambers I went through felt kind of Samey once I understood the basic logic They were designed with and I wish they Had explored more creative and elaborate Ways to mix things up Foreign Ultimately once I got the hang of Analyzing each room starting from the End and working backwards in my head to The solution the difficulty fell off a Little bit there were only a handful of Puzzles that took me more than 10 Minutes and two in particular that stick Out in my mind as being really Challenging It wasn't until the introduction of Interesting new puzzle elements later on Like transformation fields that can Change blocks into other block types That difficulty ramped up again but Others just weren't nearly as Interesting magically rewinding time to

Move a conveyor belt doesn't feel much Different than reversing its direction By pressing a button Definitely a case of an over-engineered Solution to a problem Don't get me wrong I don't think the Think the enter is too easy overall the Level of challenge is a nice Middle Ground between casual and brain Pummeling it's more that it never fully Gets around to exploring all of the Opportunities that feel like they should Be possible with the clever tools it has I was constantly thinking about ways you Could combine all of these elements to Create even more elaborate and Diabolical puzzles but the level design Seems to leave a lot on the table and With that in mind I'm further Disappointed that there aren't currently Any level editing tools that might allow The community to push them to those Limits Foreign Center does go interesting places with Its story though and ties its series of Puzzle Chambers together with a tense Imaginative sci-fi tale that asks some Thought-provoking questions about Foresight inevitability and what you Could or couldn't change if you had the Chance to do it all over again the Center itself is deteriorating as you Progress through it though I felt like

The oncoming disaster was a bit too Drawn out to really inspire a sense of Urgency likewise much like its puzzle Elements I don't think this journey Fully explores the fascinating Metaphysics of its premise either I get It time travel plots are hard and this One isn't bad by any means it's just not Exceptionally mind-blowing or Innovative Either The voice acting lifts the story up Though with charming and heartfelt Performances bringing our determined Puzzle operative protagonist Arya and Her Plucky AI companion Astra to life The humor is pretty hit or miss and Riffs on tired themes of mechanical Corporate indifference to human feelings Astor will say things like Proficiency with the rewind device has Increased 174 percent in the past four Hours an entropy Employee of the Month Batch has been sent to your quarters It's not on the same level as the sharp Laugh out loud writing in Portal Especially not matching the Fantastic Portal 2 but it made me genuinely care About the little smiley face on the back Of my gun and at the end of the day There's something to be said for that The entropy Center is a more than Competent Riff on a portal style first Person physics Puzzler chock full of Brain teasers that manage to have

Satisfying solutions that made me feel Like a big brain time wizard although it Never realizes the full imaginative Potential of its mind-bending time tools The design of the chambers and the Writing for that matter never reach the Heights of the valve Classics which very Obviously inspired it did but an Endearing voice cast and a Thought-provoking story about racing Time itself make the journey well worth It for more check out our reviews of God Of War Ragnarok and Victoria 3. and for Everything else stick with IGN I can't Wait for you to solve puzzles for us and

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