Many games add unrealistic elements to games to make them more fun, but what about some of the fake stuff that makes a game worse? Let’s talk about a few specific examples in gaming.
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Video games are sometimes about being a Power fantasy and in that what a game Does unrealistic stuff it's kind of Expected and okay but whatever when it's Not so good hi folks it's Falcon and Today on game ranks 10 unrealistic game Mechanics that actually suck starting Off with number 10 rare random drops if You've ever played an RPG or an MMO then You've experienced this scenario someone In town tries to get 10 wolf spleens or Cow pies or I don't know like elixirs so You go out and kill a wolf for a cow or A potion seller although be careful with That lasts when they can be pretty Shifty also be careful with the Elixir It might be too strong anyway you kill That stuff and you loot it and hey no Spleen no cow pie no elixir in a Rational world that's exactly what would Happen right hey you kill a wolf and you Get all the internal organs you kill a Cow and I guess it poops it's That's not how it works in video games Though I mean this sort of thing makes a Little more sense when you're talking About equipment that like an enemy might Or might not have on them but for the Most part A lot of the randomness of Loot drops makes little to no sense it's 100 just a gameplay contrivance to keep You playing like the monster hunter Series fantastic series but it can be Pretty lousy with the rare carves and
Loot that you get for monsters which by All accounts should always drop after Killing and carving up a beast like well I don't know kill a monster maybe you Should have the ability to walk away With a monster Pelt or whatever you know But it appears randomly like why is it So hard to get some Dragon claws I keep Killing these dragons and for some Reason I don't get any of their claws Despite every one of them having claws Now that's one of the more egregious Examples but pretty much every RPG has This mechanic to some degree or another And no matter how you slice it it Doesn't make sense it's unrealistic and It sucks simple as that like those games Are long as hell anyways why not just You know not make me fight six battles To take the wing of a pigeon or Something This is just infuriating so if you've Played a lot of racing games you know Exactly what rubber banding is and you Hate it it's basically to keep the race More interesting like rubber banding is When an AI car gets unnatural speed when You have a dominating lead in a race in Theory it's supposed to work the other Way as well like cars will slow down so You can catch up and stay in the race But that part's okay you're the player And I understand that kind of well There's no point in playing this if I'm
Going to lose but like when you're Really far ahead that feels great just Let me keep this you know yeah and it Certainly it just doesn't matter how Good a driver you are you'd be racing Perfectly hitting every turn at the Exact right angle carefully maximizing Your speed for most the race to dominate Your opponents and last minute some Otherwise useless AI racer becomes Dale Earnhardt and Batman combined when it Feels like you don't have any control Whether you win or lose a race that's When the rubber banding just gets out of Control like certain Mario Kart games Were really bad about this especially When you combine it with the powerful Weapons that razors in the back position Get it's not uncommon for the first Place race to just be bombarded with Blue shells lightning and just about Everything else the final stretch of the Race some games barely even try to hide The rubber banding some will literally Just teleport in the eye racer up a few Positions just to make things more of a Challenge when it comes to racing games Like a fair challenge is really what you Want right it's just more satisfying When you win a race when the AI plays by The rules rather than when the cheats The minute you're not looking yes rubber Banding when used well can keep races Interesting while still rewarding
Skilled players but developers often go Overboard with it and it can be a really Disheartening and miserable mechanic And number eight collision damage Seriously someone explained to me how Touching a Goomba can hurt Mario they Don't bite them they don't like spray Goomba juice on them and when they touch Each other nobody dies so what is it Like the amount of damage these guys Deal to Mario he's equal to that of a Spinning turtle shell or a fireball or a Spike trap or any like real threat to Mario doesn't make any sense but that's Collision damage for you right in games With collision damage anytime you touch An enemy no matter how unthreatening They look uh even if they're just a Walking mushroom you take damage makes Sense that a cactus might do this right But most of the time it's not a cactus It's like a walking mushroom you know Some of the most infamous enemies in old Games are like birds not ninjas not Undead Warriors or armor knights or Dragons Birds they just kind of fly Around and would tickle you at Best in Real life they're doing the same thing In the game but they're deadly killers In the game touching them doesn't just Hurt you send you flying back look at The damage some characters taking old Games you think a stiff breeze would be Enough to take some of these jumps down
Well games transition in 3D they mostly Dumped this mechanic but that doesn't Mean it still doesn't pop up from time To time it's one of those old school Mechanics it's been around so long we Just kind of accept it even though like It's more annoying than fun pretty much All the time Number seven is time limits when Video games there's some realistic Examples to pick from like in a military Game where you're you know trying to do A mission that's time sensitive or in a Metro game where the bass is exploding Like those things make sense but Elsewhere it's just a gameplay Contrivance it's arbitrary in those Specific examples it makes sense but why Can't I spend more than 10 minutes in a Sonic Zone I don't get that and that's What we're talking about here like the Time limits just don't make any sense Within the context of the game a lot of Platformers have time limits for their Stages and if you don't get to the end Before Time Runs Out you do the death Pose and fall into Oblivion downward Pretty much no in-game explanation like Mario doesn't reach the end of the level He just dies and does that thing one Second he's alive the next he is dead I Mentioned Sonic it's true there plenty Of platformer protagonists uh they just Live by this Honor Code that uh I guess
It's only honorable if you don't you Know get all the way to the right in a Certain amount of time it does just it Doesn't serve a purpose anymore it's Just so old school it's something people Just think is there it has its roots in Arcade games because like they want you To put more money in the arcade game and I guess it makes sense there you're not Exactly playing in an arcade for Endless Immersion you know they want to cycle People through the game the longer You're on the game the less money you're Putting in it but like that doesn't Exist anymore and it wasn't realistic Then and it wasn't fun and it's not like We liked giving up the arcade cabinet But it makes even less sense now And number six is rail shooting segments Where you can die really easy the Concept of getting on a mounted gun and Blasting away at a swarm of enemies Isn't unrealistic on its own but a lot Of games uh these are not handled in a Way that's realistic depending on the Game these things Super long really simplistic and even Boring if that worst a real shooting Segment can get that maybe we wouldn't Put it on this list but they suddenly Start getting really hard sometimes and That's where the real fakeness of these Things really starts to stand out uh Just look at your standard on-rail
Shooting sequence usually you're on a Machine gun emplacement with zero cover You're standing out in the open like a Sitting Duck you know what I'm saying When you're just shooting fish in a Barrel it's not that noticeable when the Enemy starts shooting into pieces but Your dude is just standing there like a Dumbass that's that's when they start to Suck you know is it that hard for your Guy to just get off the gun for a second And you know duck certain games do let You take cover while Manning a machine Gun but oh most of them I'm gonna say Just have you guys standing in place not Reacting at all while they get like Drizzled with bullets depending on who You ask the whole concept of the rail Shooter segment is outdated and just Shouldn't be in games anymore but I I Don't really mind these parts in short Bursts they can be a lot of brainless Fun they just start getting difficult or Long and then they suck And number five Is Random Encounters Look I love old school RPGs I play the Hell out of old school RPGs but I also Play the updated versions where I can Turn the Random Encounters on and off as I please why because a lot of the time I Don't want to deal with it it's not what I am at the game for when I need to Grind yes turn it back on I'll do it When I'm heading for the next part of
The story like when I'm walking from Midgar to nibbleheim I don't I don't Need that crap in my life right now Except for back then you couldn't turn It off it's just standard like every Time you were in an area that wasn't Safe you were a few steps away from a Random encounter and to call it annoying Would be a massive massive Understatement it was probably the Number one thing keeping people from Getting into role-playing games back in The day instead of letting you explore The world and coming with some natural Way to deal with enemies the game's just Left it up to a random number generator Chrono Trigger like was the first Instance of it I ever experience that Handled enemy Encounters in a way that Felt like it makes sense like they were In the mat and you could even sneak by Some of them but that wasn't how it went Most of the time and do I need to Explain why it's unrealistic like you Just strolling along minding your own Business and like a suddenly a bunny Rabbit or a frog or a strangely Positioned cactus man would attack you But you think you'd be able to see that Coming and either avoid it or charge it With all of your might but like even When they're strong enough to take on Literal Gods these random Critters will Still get the drop on them like it's one
Of those things that RPGs just had to Have for a while because they didn't Really have another solution except for You know the one that they had in Chrono Trigger in you know 1995 and it's pretty Rare you see random battles and RPGs These days even like when you have them You can shut them off and that's that's Really all that matters like if I want To do battles and I want to grind I'll Turn them on and then like that's Exactly what I want to do but what when You forced me to walk a few steps and Get into battle and walk a few steps and Get into battle that slows down the pace Badly it's not a gaming Loop anymore It's just annoying At number four is auto scrolling levels Now I will say before I really express How much I hate an auto scrolling level I will say that some people have levels Of Tolerance where these sorts of stages Aren't always terrible and I'm not gonna Say I hate every single one that's ever Existed there are actually some pretty Fun ones but when they start to get hard Or annoying they really really suck Especially in a lot of old Platformers There's usually a level or two where the Screen's just constantly moving and you Can't control it in these stages it's More about avoiding enemies and Obstacles than moving forward rarely Does the game give an explanation as to
Why it just sort of happens and if You're too slow or too fast it can mean Instant death if I'm completely honest That's actually the thing that annoyed Me the most with auto scroll levels is They were often scrolling much slower Than I wanted to go Falcon over here Yeah he gotta go fast there's a reason Why I'm the one that did the before you Buy on Sonic Frontiers that's that's how I like my platforming but forget Preferences this just doesn't make any Sense whatsoever I mean look at this You're caught between this wall and side Of the screen now you're dead there Wasn't anything deadly there just the Edge the screen doesn't matter if you Touch it anywhere else but on an auto Scrolling level this invisible Wall of Death kills you whatever And number three is lives and game overs I uh hate to break it to you but in real Life you don't live more than one time In the world of video games you could Die as many times as you want and Restart but for a long time nearly every Game had this weird artificial Limitation of lives to stand in your way You know the drill this number on top or On the bottom of the screen every time You die numbers go down if it hits zero You get game over that sends you back to Start a level your last save or even Back to the start of the game this
Entire concept is a hundred percent just Really video gaming doesn't make any Rational sense uh why can Mega Man find Pickups of his own head I don't know Um because they're lives you know lives Video games just have those it's I mean No more or less unrealistic than just Being able to respawn after you die but It's way more annoying because it Doesn't make any sense anymore again to Go back to arcades lives make perfect Sense they need to have a reason to Alternate people through the arcade Cabinet but once again we aren't playing Games in arcades anymore it's one of Those systems that always feels like It's totally ignorable because the game Showers you with lives or just Incredibly annoying because the game is Really stingy with them and there's not Really any in between like I said it's Not the 1980s anymore and even Sonic With Sonic Origins changed this and Changed it for the better with the whole Coin thing because it's ridiculous it's Ridiculous to go back to the games and Be stuck with this mechanic you should Be able to shut it off on any re-release Of any old platformer And number two block puzzles hey how Many puzzles do you encounter during Your day-to-day life and no you don't Get to claim that like life's challenges Are little puzzles I mean like video
Game puzzles video game protagonists Yeah they deal with a lot of that and What's weird is is they're usually the First person there like I mean I guess I Get it in a game like Uncharted where uh The places that you're visiting hadn't Been charted before but like I'm sorry It's weird you're the first one there Generally and they're kind of a Cornerstone game design puzzles and one Of the most common and nonsensical are Block puzzles like in a game where you Come upon something that's blocking your Way and it's in a grid it's a block Puzzle or probably is like if it's not I'm shocked so to get around them you Gotta push pull and change the Orientation of the blocks so you create A passage or solve some kind of puzzle Like make a bird out of the blocks or Something I don't know few things in Games generate as many questions as a Block puzzle like who made these why why I why and how can I only push them in a Specific direction that makes a grid Formation also why can't I pull them how Does it reset reset after I leave the Room and come back because I failed uh Why can't I just squeeze through them or Climb over them like a lot of the time It seems like my character could if I Wanted to but it's a no you can't do That like these can be the worst element Of like what is an otherwise good
Dungeon like I'm looking at you Zelda Block pushing can be slow and very Tedious but can also be like fiddly and Awkward depending on the control scheme Obviously it's not realistic there's a Bunch of perfect square blocks that you Can only push into specific positions That's just silly And finally at number one escort Missions with instant fail States so Most escort missions I guess like it's Kind of realistic but it's also really Unrealistic at the same time the Realistic part is that like obviously if You have a companion and they die like They get shot or something that that They die like that's the end of the Mission that makes sense Something else does not a lot of times The game throws you into an escort Mission when you gotta defend some Random dude who wanders around like a Absolute stands like in front of You does nothing to avoid enemies Basically walks up to them and says Please random Monster eat my face like They have the survival instincts of an Eight-year-old child who has never left The house because tablets are such a big Part of American life now and I'm I'm Gonna say I can't say for certain what I Would do in a life or death situation But it wouldn't be casually stand in the Middle of a fire fight and you you gotta
Know that the programmers know they Probably know better than anyone so why Is it like that what's even worse is the Ones where literally any mistake is Instant failure and this is really where My irritation begins to Skyrocket it's Especially nonsensical when there's no Reason you need to keep the person alive You don't need them to open a door You're basically just doing it because You're good and then they die you know Because you walk around the corner too Early or something like that so that's It I walked three steps ahead of where I Was supposed to be so that means it's Over because my guy's dead now that Makes sense restart the simulation like By far the worst in most nonsensical Ones are where you know they immediately Kill the person you're protecting at the End of the mission like just a second Ago this guy had to live but now in the Cutscene he dies and everything keeps Going life continues why could that not Have happened as I was walking through The corridor why nobody likes escort Missions and for good reason I'm not Saying there's no good ones ever most or Not and if they're so unrealistic Anyways like again the guy you're Protecting doesn't realize that bullets Kill you or something like that why not Just make him Invincible yeah that would Be too easy I understand that but why
Realistically speaking what changes it's Dumb and that's all for today leave us a Comment let us know what you think if You like this video click like if you're Not subscribed and has a great time to Do so we upload brand new videos every Day of the week best way to see them First is of course a subscription so Click subscribe don't forget to enable All notifications and as always we thank You very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter At Falcon the hero and we'll see you Next time right here on game ranks