10 Things Single Player Gamers NEVER TRUST

There are some things within games that seasoned players will NEVER trust. Here are some sketchy examples.
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0:00 intro
0:19 Number 10
2:15 Number 9
3:40 Number 8
5:40 Number 7
6:46 Number 6
8:15 Number 5
9:19 Number 4
10:55 Number 3
11:43 Number 2
13:45 Number 1

There's a lot of stuff in single player Games that we completely rely on it's Never different in any games it always Works the same way you expect and then There's stuff that just is nothing like That that's what I want to talk about hi Folks it's Falcon and today on game Ranks 10 things single player Gamers Never trust starting off with number 10 It's Auto saves uh yeah can you really Trust autosaves I I don't know about you But it doesn't really matter how many Times the little icon spins around I do Not trust it if I think I'm gonna die or I want to quit the game I'm Gonna Save It I'm gonna go in options I'm gonna hit Manual save and sometimes I'm gonna do It more than once did that first time Count I don't know did I actually save It or not only one way to be sure do it Again I'm exaggerating a little but We've all been in situations where Auto Saves have let us down like sometimes You get loaded like an hour or two back And have to redo a ton of crap that you Already finished lives and it maybe Wasn't even hard it's just a lot of Stuff or maybe it was hard I don't know And then sometimes an auto save loads You into an unwinnable situation I had This happen to me the first time I Played a plague tale innocence the first Time the rats were regrouping I moved Backwards and it auto saved it and it

Kept loading me into a place where I was Just getting eaten by rats automatically That's probably the worst example of That I can remember in recent memory Fortunately uh I mean I only lost like Maybe a half hour of progress sometimes Autosave just straight up fails like the Save file gets corrupted and you have to Start the whole thing again that hasn't Happened to me in quite a while but it Has happened to me I want to say the Last time that actually happened to me Was in the Xbox 360 early days when I Was just waiting for the damn thing to Red Ring that eventually also happened Unrelated and just to be clear there's Plenty of times where auto save is going To work just fine but I consider the Auto save the backup option first thing I do when I get into a game is figure Out how to save myself and you better Believe I'm doing it in every game even Games where it's ultimately pointless I Just don't trust an auto save alone I've Been burned too many times and number Nine is the golden path this one's for All you digital hoarders and Achievement Hunters out there at most games try to Make progression really obvious but Anyone who's played a game with some Kind of like optional paths you know What I mean uh you know you can't trust A game when it comes to this stuff There's a reason so many of us waffle

Back and forth when we come to a fork on The road in the game because you just Don't know which way leads to some Optional treasure and which way is the Path to progression if you're the type Of person who really likes to clear out An area before moving on it's probably The most annoying thing about playing Games period all you want to do is get All the treasures and collectibles in an Area but you go through a passage that Looks like it's an optional Direction But it's actually the main golden path Like golden meaning the real one I guess So you turn around and head back oh uh Yes you can there was a cave-in or Something and now you can't go back like I just often want to explore but a lot Of games turn this stuff into kind of a Russian Roulette situation one wrong Turn and Bam you can't go back usually These games you can eventually return And get the stuff you missed but most The time you've forgotten about it or Don't need it anymore so if you do you Gotta clear out the whole area again and That is seriously annoying unless a game Literally draws a line on the ground is Like this is the story Direction once You go this way you're stuck this way Unless it does that you you're not able To really trust this type of a branch And number eight a single treasure chest In an otherwise empty room everybody's

Like oh oh yeah yeah you know what I'm Talking about here you're walking around Minding your own business you entered a Strangely large room and oh look at that A treasure chest right in the middle I Don't mind if I do oh no oh look at that There was a big one-eyed spider or some Crap on the ceiling waiting to pounce That treasure chest was bait how could I Have known or like a bunch of little Enemies come running and and swarm me or Hey oh the chest itself was alive it was Just waiting for prey whatever it is you Saw it coming because nobody trusts the Big empty room in a single player game The whole thing gives itself away why Would there be that much space in there It's so a big enemy can drop on top of You or so you can have a bunch of room To maneuver honestly any overly spacious Room is immediately suspicious but it's Doubly so when there's some treasure in It Foreign Games love this trick but there's a ton Of other games that pull this same thing On you gamers are pretty Savvy to this At this point though but even when you See it coming and you try to prepare the Game can get you pretty unaware if only Because you're not ready for the type of Ambush the game is planning to throw at You sometimes even when you know Something's coming you can still mess

With your nerves and that anticipation Can even cause you to make mistakes when It does happen they're the worst kind of Traps because you see them coming from a Mile away and they still get you like if I were making a game I would just start Putting big rooms with treasure chests That are entirely legitimate without a Trap in them just to mess with the Player and then after like five or six Of them where it seems like the boss Thing isn't gonna happen make it happen That'd be great maybe not for the player I gotta probably get pretty angry at Myself I get why they do it it's it's it Sounds like it's fun actually and number Seven is dead bodies in a horror game if You've played one horror game at least Least relative to this you've played Them all you know how it goes there's Room with some dead bodies in it but It's otherwise empty guess it's safe Better not expect the dead bodies to Actually be zombies or you know oh oh Look at that oh the dead body you woke Up and he's chomping on me I didn't want This to happen at all yeah this is why Everybody just shoots corpses and games And it's also why the Dead Space stomp Is so satisfying cause you know they're Gonna stay down like sometimes you do Find a body that's actually literally Dead but most of the time for whatever Reason seems like you go in a room

There's some dead bodies they have Something to them it can be worse too It's like some games make it so that Shooting the dead doesn't work they Don't react but when you come close they Still pop up and try to nibble on you That's the worst because you know it's Coming you know that the game is gonna Throw the jump scare at you and you Really just don't want to deal with it But you have to it's one of the oldest Tricks in the horror game book And number six is dialogue options you Know the drill you hover over dialogue Option think it's gonna make your Character say one thing and then the Thing that comes out of their mouth is Completely different and don't tell me You don't remember this happening in Mass Effect you choose an option sounds Like it's going to defuse the situation And then Shepard's like ah I hate you Remember that flaming bag of dog crap on Your doorstep last week that was me ha Ha that was always in my opinion the Weirdest mission in Mass Effect The Flaming bag of dog crap one another Pretty good example is LA Noire where You pick the doubt option and instead of Like going like hmm I don't know Cole is Like you're a liar and I left a flaming Bag of dog crap on your doorstop last Week yeah the only the only way you can Avoid this sort of thing in games is

When you know that every single time you Pick something it's exactly what you're Gonna say like Fallout 3 in New Vegas There's sometimes a little confusion About tone but it's way better than the One word descriptions to get in certain Role-playing games this is actually why People tend to take the most boring Dialogue options in games because They're afraid that your guy is going to Have a mental breakdown and say Something he regrets at the end of the Day it doesn't really matter that much But if you're the type of person who Really likes to role play and make a Character your own this is really Annoying I just flat out don't trust Vague dialogue choices for whatever Reason it seems like they put people who Don't understand social cues in charge Of making those things And number five the quote unquote start Of a level uh all right this one's a Little more specific but if you're Playing a platformer game like nine Times out of ten you're missing a secret In a stage specifically because it's Behind the start of the level you know The drill level starts but instead of Going right you do the daring thing and Go left the screen Scrolls a little bit There's an extra life or perhaps an Energy tank or perhaps a collectible That you couldn't have gotten anywhere

Else in the game unless you had had the Incredible foresight to go left Mission Starts just can't be trusted because a Lot of the time you're not at the Literal beginning of the stage there's Actually more just off screen from a Logical standpoint it makes no sense Whatsoever but as a game mechanic sure I Guess it's fine it kind of played out as A hiding spot right once you realize That game developers love to hide stuff Back there you start to see it Everywhere it's not like a trick games Will pull in every level but you better Believe that when I play a game with Levels I turn around right at the start And try to figure out if anything's There the level start sign cannot be Trusted And number four is the final boss's Health bar that's it I don't need to say Anything else I mean I will because it Probably not really actually be that Satisfying of a video if I just said the Final boss stealth bar that's it moving On three walls you know what I mean Moving on no Um so I guess there's plenty of bosses That have health bars you can't trust But you don't always see them coming That being said with the last boss you Know like it's really rare the final Boss has only one form and even when the Game goes out of its way to tell you no

There's only one final boss fight here We promise you you know they're lying There's always more the first fight Isn't the only one there's gonna be a Cut scene and a transformation and then There will be a second form possibly Even a third one and sometimes that's Not so bad it's fun to fight the final Boss in phases it creates a great Crescendo to an otherwise long journey But sometimes it can really suck as the Boss just tough for no good reason when You barely manage to scrape by and that Health bar goes all the way down to zero The back your mind kind of like breathes A sigh of relief even though Intellectually you know it's not over But we're all sort of just like oh they Sit down at zero that means it's done Internally now what's nice is sometimes The game throws you a boner restores Your health but most the time you're Stuck with the resources you got and you Know it doesn't even matter if the boss Is hard or easy or completely Fair no One trusts the first health bar there's Gonna be more it's guaranteed And number three is walls is there Anything more untrustworthy in video Games than the humble wall if a Developer wants to hide a secret Somewhere the wall is the go-to option You can whip them you can bomb them Sometimes you can just push them but

Everybody knows there's stuff hidden Behind walls and games and that is why I Attack every single wall I see Slam my Face and I'm using the used button or Key I bomb everything I probably look Like a total psychoed all NPCs but you Know what this is a weirdly empty room I Find it hard to believe that this is Just a dead end I'm gonna figure this Out of course those are just obvious Fake walls games love to hide secrets in Totally innocuous random walls too so Really no wall is safe in video games Walls are everywhere they surround you At all times and they can never be Trusted because they're the easiest Thing to hide Secrets behind And number two is the mysterious new Bad Guy this is more of a story thing than a Gameplay thing but it's a single player Gamer thing that nobody trusts like Sometimes a long running series likes to Mix things up and introduce a shocking New bad guy their face is covered Sometimes they look nothing like you Would expect but it doesn't matter the Developers can swear up and down Interviews this bad guy's completely new Something totally different that you've Never seen before I guarantee it would I Lie and everybody's like yes you would Lie you have lied you've done it before And like so let's talk about some real Obvious twists here like they'll make

Cry 5 or Mega Man 6. both Capcom games Both not really particularly hidden Twists second that first trailer from Dmc5 went up people assume the bad guy Was actually Virgil and it was Mega Man 6 had the laughably obvious Mr X is the Bad guy but Mr X was Dr Wily the whole Time time probably one of the most Infamous examples of this was Batman Arkham Knight where Rocksteady was like Yeah we made a completely new character Bask in the mystery that is the Arkham Knight you'll never ever ever know who It is because every guest will be wrong Because it's a new person don't even try It because it is not a person from Before at all and then it was Jason Todd The Red Hood who everybody who knows Even a tiny bit about Batman assumed he Would be it was such an obvious choice a Lot of people assumed it wouldn't be Because they wouldn't make a mysterious New bad guy that would be that obvious Right except they did these are just Some of the more obvious examples but Games do this all the time like I guess Certain developers just really like Putting twists in their games no matter How visible they are from a mile away if A game developer ever gives an interview Saying that the bad guy is totally new You will never believe who it is you've Never seen anything like this before It's a hundred percent the truth don't

Believe them it's pretty pretty much Um fake and uh number one random number Generators or rngs as many call them They're however game handles Randomness But you want to get rare loot or you Want to get a hit or a win in roulette Critical Hits etc etc it's up to the RNG So um how come I've got a 50 50 chance To hit here but it took me 12 tries Let's deal with that random number Generator anyone who's played x-com has Been in this scenario he got a 95 chance To hit somehow you missed like three Times in a row and it's like what then It tells you the enemy's got a five Percent chance to hit and they hit you Every time or like try to go for rare Loot in a game like Destiny 2 or Monster Hunter and you know the pain of an RNG The odds don't sound that bad but for Some reason you had to grind for hours To get something that after some small Calculations you figured would take like 20 maybe 40 minutes to get that is the Evil power of the random number Generator and it's not necessarily lying To you except for you know when it is Like here's the fun part about it these Games don't actually have true Randomness they tie the RNG system with Something else internally that's the Reason why speedrunners are able to make Seemingly random things happen because Those things affect the outcome of the

Game's random number generator if you Know how to manipulate it it's pretty Great but for most of us who can't see The Matrix it just means a lot of the Time the randomness is actually worse And makes the game sound horrible of Course X common games like that actually Do go out of their way to help you on Lower difficulty Levels by secretly Increasing your chances to hit if you Miss a shot and stuff like that but it Can still feel like the RNG is working Against you if you miss enough and it Might be to be frank sometimes her Distrust of rngs is maybe personal bias And maybe there's nothing actually wrong With the game and it's being completely Honest with you but that doesn't matter We've all had to deal with RNG in some Forming games and I think it's safe to Say that basically everybody's been Burnt by it somehow if you're a gamer You're not gonna trust rngs doesn't Matter how good your chances are because When the chips are down you really need That perfect shot that's time you gotta Remember you can't beat the house and if You know the house is cheating it's very Unlikely you can prove it also good luck With the legal battle if you think that That's a good idea suing the casino Because you think you won a few grand on Blackjack ain't gonna work out your way I promise you and that's all for today

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