Foreign [Music] 's warhaven falls in the footsteps of Games like for Honor before it and Trying to carve a space out for the Third person melee action gamer amidst a Sea of first-person large-scale Multiplayer Warfare offerings based on The current open Beta play tests running Until early November there's still a lot Of work to be done to make the case I've Had some fun and short bursts but as a Solo player every clutch capture or Dominant Killing Spree was bookended by Frustrating moments of chaos where there Was no great way to steer your team to Objectives or to avoid getting Overwhelmed by enemies no great way to Hold your own one-on-one Foreign Into any of the four currently available Maps first requires you to pick a class There are six to choose from all with Their own strengths weaknesses and Quirks the sword wielding blade and the Spear brandishing Spike are the melee Focused choices with the former being Great for keeping foes on their toes and Occasionally in the air while the latter Can pierce the fences with its charged Up attack and Parry incoming swing to Create openings for big damage guardian And Warhammer are the meaty ones Guardian Shield can bash multiple foes
Backwards and be used as a battering ram To make a hole through the front line Warhammer swings his two-headed bludgeon For the fences to destroy groups of foes But could also put up defenses to clog Paths Arch is the Ranger who can snipe People from great distances or can use The late explosive Aerials to Great Tactical use smoke is a trickster who Can catch projectiles and launch them Back at enemies and crucially can heal Her allies at will as you rack up kills And assists or capture and defend Objectives you'll build a meter in the Bottom corner when full you can can Spend it to temporarily transform Yourself into one of four powerful Immortals each with different roles but All posing game-changing potential the Most popular was martyr a knight in Shining armor who has a powerful sword Attack and a shield Bash [Music] Dark Gale is a mountain Warrior great For breaking through clumps of enemies Poet uses barriers to Shield himself and Allies from harm and Raven can launch Powerful projectiles from a distance any One of these characters can dominate a Skirmish but maybe one of the biggest Balance issues I've seen so far is when Multiple players transform at the same Time creating a death ball a super Powerful murder Knights that make
Counter play impossible there are four Maps in this play test that show off Three different game modes Onslaught Feels like the signature mode here as There are two different Maps dedicated To it the narrower moshbarg and the Large expanse of gallon it's tactical Back and forth always felt important Even if trying to Wrangle your team to Prioritize objectives often felt like a Battle in and of itself Skirmish has Fewer points in Onslaught that both Teams fight over the center one being The only one that scores the other two Give you access to a secondary spawn Point and a cannon that faces the center This was an extremely hectic stage Control points flipped constantly Meaning you're always in motion to Attack and defend the next one it was Also the mode I ran into one of my Bigger obstacles with doing well other Groups of players as a solo act trying To Ping and chat my team into helping me Out I was having a hard time on the Other hand Skirmish felt like the mode With the most emphasis on the objectives As each one had a dramatic impact on the Momentum of the fight the last mode arms Race is a take on escorting a moving Objective to a destination except in Warhaven there's three objectives that First need to be built by capturing Their respective control points this
Felt like a mode that required the most Communication and felt the most chaotic As a single guy jumping into a team and Generally 16 people trying to move three Payloads while also trying to stop 16 Other people from trying to move three Payloads might just be too much to keep Track of for any game warhaven's Big Time battles feel properly large and Incredibly chaotic and in my time with This play test it delivered quite the Mix of emotions The objective focused gameplay across Several different locations and game Types add a tactical layer to the melee Skirmishes that does what it can to keep The game Flow feeling intrinsic and Legible even if the tool is to keep your Team's eye on the prize are limited Combat itself is filled with diverse Offensive and defensive options both on Your heroes or found in the environment But the most effective way to kill the Enemy is to crowd them in a corner and Spam a stone of attacks that they could Never be able to block in short bursts Warhaven is a great high energy Experience though I think a Keener focus And lots of balance is needed for it to Survive the long post-launch campaign When it arrives next year for more Previews of upcoming games do not miss Our final preview of Sonic Frontiers or Our last look at Pokemon scarlet and
Violet and for everything else in the World of video games stick with IGN Foreign