The Game Awards have come and gone, and Nintendo had a decent enough showing, right? Sure, we didn’t see all our Nintendo dreams come true, but what did you expect? It’s the Game Awards, not a Nintendo Direct. We did get to see a new Bayonetta game, Fire Emblem DLC and a wonderful new clip from the Super Mario movie, which was nice.
00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:58 – The Game Awards Reactions
00:49:18 – Reb’s Cooking Corner
00:38:08 – “You’ll Love it, Very Fun, Runs Like Ass”
00:54:14 – NVC MiiVerse: Splatoon 3 Memes?
01:01:00 – Bring Bionic Commando: ReArmed to the Switch!
01:07:10 – Question Block & Outro