Will 2023 Be Nintendo’s Best Year Ever? – NVC 641
It’s the end of the year (almost), which means we can forget all about 2022 and point our gaze at what the future holds. With Tears of the Kingdom, the return of E3, and no sign of Metroid Prime 4…

172 Tiny Things That Make Super Mario Odyssey a Game for the Ages
On [Applause] Super Mario Odyssey has truly stood the Test of time as one of the best games Available for Nintendo switch as well as One of the most memorable Adventures Ever for the portly plumber Odyssey boasts an Innovative…

172 Tiny Things That Make Super Mario Odyssey a Game for the Ages
Five years on from release and Super Mario Odyssey has truly stood the test of time. This Nintendo Switch classic boasts an innovative central hook, boundary-pushing art direction and worlds that reward player curiosity. It’s also packed with tiny but…