Apex Legends’ Wintertide collection event kicks off on December 6, 2022. Watch the latest trailer to see what to expect with the Wintertide collection event, featuring the ability to unlock 24 limited-time cosmetics. Players who unlock them all before the event ends will receive Wraith’s new Prestige skin, the “Apex Voidshifter.
The Winter Express returns to Apex Legends. Three squads board the World’s Edge train, but only one will emerge victorious. Will it be yours?
#IGN #Gaming #ApexLegends
Thank you The ghost of wind calls our victory In a cold winter only the weak sacrifice Life for peace Shield bigger heart Let's do this Shield it's easy to get your Halls Decked Buster down I'm only headed one way and that's up Baby Yourself My heart begins It's gonna be a long winter look at the Right side and we won't freeze tonight It's my turn this time Death Big winter Is unavoidable Tell Dad I said hello